International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

ISSN No - 2584-2706

Plagrism Policy

IJMSRT Respects the Ancient and the Latest Intellectual Property. Its basic Purpose is to protect the Original Creation and Works of the Authors and it inspires others to do the Works Smoothly.  Through this Policy, Authors have a Sense of Security for their Manuscripts. The Journal does not accept all Facts or Information that Contain Plagiarized Material.  Therefore, IJMSRT Trusts all those Authors to Respect the Ethical Policy of the Journal and not to plagiarize in any Way.

If the Author is Suspected of Plagiarism in the Published Magazine, Then the Author will have to submit his Explanation within 2 Weeks in the Context of that Magazine.  ) Will Take Further Action.  In Case the Journal does not receive any Response from the Author within the Stipulated Time, The Director/Dean/Head of the Concerned College Institution or Organization or Vice-Chancellor of the University to which the Author Belongs will Be Contacted for Strict Action.

Under the Policy Rules of the Journal will Take Strict Action against Published Manuscripts found to be plagiarized and completely remove them from the Journal Website and other Third Party Websites where the Paper is listed and Indexed.  If Plagiarism is reported in any Manner in any Article Published in IJMSRT Database, The Journal Constitutes a Fact-Finding FFC to Investigate the Same.

The Journal will remove the PDF Copy of the Published Manuscript from the Website and Deactivate all Links to the Full Text.  The Term Plagiarized Manuscript will be appended to the Published Manuscript Title.  Will Deactivate the Author Account with the Journal.  Xx/xx/xx will reject all Future Submissions of the Author or Even Ban the Authors Permanently for a Period of 1 Year.

IJMSRT May Display the List of Such Authors with their Full Contact Details on the Website any other Measures for Taking Action for Plagiarism as Decided from Time to Time and Correct Information about them forwarded to the Website.

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