International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

ISSN No - 2584-2706

Instruction For Author


IJMSRT Contains Guidelines for Reviewers, Study Authors.  Similarly, there are Guidelines for the Writers in this Journal as Well. The Writer has to Work According to Those Instructions; they also have to follow them strictly. Following are the Conditions of Some Instructions-

    1- Manuscripts are submitted to the Main Editor According to the Journal's Guidelines or the Paper is Submitted Directly Online.

     2-Submission of a Journal to IJMSRT Indicates an Understanding that the Paper is not under Consideration for Publication with other Journals.

     3- Once the Paper is accepted the Author will provide the Information through Email and the Authors will have to pay the Article Processing Fee.  The Payment Slip is to be             submitted along with the Final Prepared Paper and the Copyright form duly signed.

    4- Once All the Papers are Accepted, They will not be returned

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